Jyoti (Flame)

We lit, little Diyas (clay lamps) in Diwali, I have captured the flame of it. 

The Jyoti is enough to destroy the darkness and find the truth. Exactly same way, we have to search for the truth and when we get knowledge all the darkness of ignorance vanishes, illusions vanishes. Instead of making opinions based on things heard somewhere, we should be always ready to search for the truth. Eyes, mind and brain should be open. This is needed basically to know the hidden facts of history and realize the glory of our Bharata (India). This flame is inspiring us to search the truth in today's darkness. We have time, we have information technology, only need is to search and learn....


  1. That's an interesting shot and a great reminder to seek our own truth.

  2. That's simply awesome shot :D

  3. Welcome..Atinytoes. Thank you so much for your encouraging comment...:)


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